Thursday, August 12, 2010

North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

I don't know if it's because I watched this movie a few years back and loved it or whether it's because I'm so in love with Victorian novels, but I couldn't put this down.  Literally.  At 11:30 one evening Seth turned to me (he was watching the news while I was sitting by him, engrossed in the romance between Mr. Thornton and Margaret . . .) and he said, "Honey, I just need you to really be with me for a minute.  Do you think you could put the book away?"

What Seth failed to appreciate is that in contrast with the Jane Austen books (I am NOT dissing them, by the way--they are my favorites!), the hero has an actual job (Seth's biggest issue with my "British movies").  John Thornton, a working-class, self-made man falls in love with Margaret Hale--not your typical beauty, but a strong personality and very interesting character from Southern England.

What makes this book so beautiful and intriguing is the Elizabeth Bennett/Mr. Darcy nature of their relationship.  I enjoyed watching the characters unfold and grew to like them more as I read.  It's not quite a Jane Austen, but on the whole I think you'll enjoy it if you like her romances.  Elizabeth Gaskell has such an approachable style to her writing--it's not intimidating or overly verbose, and she paints only the picture she needs to without leaving out details, but also without cramming them down your throat.
And if you don't get around to reading the book, you ought to at least give the BBC movie version a try.  It is absolutely beautifully done--almost better than the book--and the casting couldn't be better.  And I love the theme music!  I think I've just talked myself into watching it again . . . anyone up for a girls' night?


  1. I'm in! Come watch it with me!! :) I haven't read any Gaskell. But I'm going to now.

  2. Oh "let me cume... plaze, take me wiff you..."! Why didn't we watch this one over the break? Love it and I haven't seen it in a long time! I love your reviews! It makes me want to read the books. I think I'm going to have to put this one on reserve at the library (hope they have the B.O.T. :)


Tell me what you think--or any good books you have enjoyed.


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