I find that I have to intersperse my heavy reading with lighter books so my brain doesn't start to hurt . . . and this series was a perfect "'tweener." It was recommended to me my my lovely sister-in-law, Amy (who has excellent taste in books). The series has several titles, all of them retold fairy tales, and three or four of them are written by
Cameron Dokey. Now they aren't life-changing and tend to be a bit predictable (because of course we all know how the fairy tale ends, right?), but they are clean and fun--and who doesn't like a nice happy ending once in a while?
Before Midnight is a retelling of the Cinderella story. There is an unusual twist on the father and step-mother relationship that makes it different from the familiar Disney version, and I really liked it.
Another title I read was
The Storyteller's Daughter. You'll find a lot of stories out there about Beauty & the Beast, Cinderella, etc., but you don't often hear about Sharazad, and I found her tale quite intriguing.
I would really recommend this series (hopefully
all the others are as good!) for any preteen daughters you might have who are perhaps too caught up in vampire series books. . . . You are safe with these, and they're still interesting and have enough romance (but not too much) to keep them reading.
I have been anxious for an up-date! (I know you don't stop reading- just maybe pause in blogging. :) I saw these on Amy's list and thought they sounded cute. I kind of like the twist on these classic fairytale (I really liked Ella Enchanted)- they explain things good old "Brother's Grim" or whoever might have left out (the troubling things like why Cinderella's dad was stupid enough to have married such a horrible woman.)- but I guess they came up with the idea, so we have to give them some credit. :)