Jessica: Having grown up watching Disney's cartoon version of
Alice in Wonderland and now watching it with my own children, I have always had a soft spot in my heart for these stories. I loved reading them as a pre-teen. However, after watching the new Disney version by Tim Burton (it was very . . . interesting, to say the least), I had to re-read them to make sure they weren't more bizarre than I recalled. They may be a bit off-the-wall, but not so outlandish as the movie would lead you to believe; in fact, both books were quite comical and had me laughing out loud.
Carroll was a master at language and logic--he actually worked as a mathematics tutor at Oxford, and you can tell that he had a brilliant mind. He uses word play frequently in his stories, which makes them all the more amusing. Both books are very clever and entertaining and well-deserving of the title "classics."
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland has the stories of the Mad Hatter & March Hare and the Queen of Hearts.
Through the Looking-Glass deals more with the chess pieces--the white and red queens--and traveling from one "square" of a giant chessboard to another. It includes the characters of Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee and the talking flowers.
Alice with Tweedle-Dum & Tweedle-Dee before their battle |
Lydia: I loved the royal subjects and how they acted. For example, how the Red Queen is running with Alice and they get absolutely nowhere. Then there is the White Queen who starts crying because she will get hurt in the future. I loved these books in every way!
Alice talking with the White Queen |
(I suppose I am biased, but I love Lydia's drawing style! I made her sketch a couple of her favorite scenes so I could show her off a bit . . . :)
What precious sketches, Lydia! You are an artist! Great commentary, Jessica. I appreciate your insights about the author, as well.